사단법인 국제해상풍력협회

Harnessing Wings in the Wind

Association introduction

  • 01Floating Offshore Wind Technology Promotion, Education and Seminar

    Floating Offshore Wind Technology Promotion

    Promotion of floating offshore wind power technology

    Wind-based technology

    Wind application technology

    Floating Offshore Wind Power Technology Training

    Member company online basic training

    Training by inviting experts for general companies

    Floating Offshore Wind Power Technology Seminar

    Laws, regulations, manufacturing and various licenses

  • 02Creation, development and operation of regional clusters

    Establishment of plans for cluster support with relevant organizations

    Ulsan cluster formation, support policy establishment

    Ulsan City Related Organization Cluster Utilization Corporate Support Planning

    International joint development business plan in connection with companies with overseas demand

    Signed MOU with customers in new overseas countries

    Technology exchange meeting of overseas demand development companies

    Participation in the Working Group of Overseas Private Investors

    SW operation and management system establishment for design certification

    Part design and analysis SW

    Structure design, analysis & simulation SW

    System design SW

    Technical research and operation for the establishment of a test bed in the real sea area

    Investigation of manufacturing technology of major components of nacelles excluding blades and towers

    KS certification test infrastructure (material evaluation, testing equipment, certification) investigation

    Operations for manufacturing, transport, and installation of floating bodies

  • 03Establishment and operation of a floating offshore wind power logistics center

    Logistics Center Basic Status Investigation and Construction Plan

    Investigation of the logistics system of domestic and foreign floating offshore wind power plants

    Establishment of logistics system for nacelle parts excluding blades and towers

    Logistics Center Operation Plan

    Securing warehouse for center operation and planning to build transport and unloading equipment

    Center corporateization promotion plan

  • 04Floating offshore wind power localization project

    Floating offshore wind power generator, installation ship maintenance, standardization and technology development

    Floating offshore wind power generator technology development and standardization

    Floating offshore wind power installation ship technology development

    International standardization of floating offshore wind power generators