사단법인 국제해상풍력협회

Hang wings in the wind

Industry status

Offshore wind power generation plan

  • Government-led site discovery and simplified licensing

     (Location) Government-led search for suitable sites

      * Location information map -> Offshore wind power
      -> consideration, zone setting -> Basic Feasibility investigation
      - Development of a large-scale complex in the form of a local government-led
      clustering complex

     Improving the consistency of certifications and permits for marine
      spatial planning , Review the establishment of an integrated body
      of certification and permitting

  • Reinforcement of resident acceptance and environmental

     (Support) Expanding support for surrounding areas and residents

      - Revision of ordering law to suit the characteristics of offshore wind power
      - Profit sharing with local residents through resident participation/local government-led model
      - Reinforcement of offshore wind power-fishery coexistence demonstration project procedure

     (Procedure) Reinforcement of opinion gathering process before power generation
      business license

     (Environment) Enhancing environmental performance throughout the entire cycle

  • Reinforcement of industrial competitiveness in connection with large-scale projects

     Early start of large-scale projects and preemptive grid connection

     Support for strengthening industrial competitiveness

      - Timely development of large-capacity floating system
      - Establishment of infrastructure such as support piers, demonstration, manpower training,
      manufacturing complex,etc.

     Strengthening support for improving project economics

      - Reorganization of REC weight and implementation of preliminary notification service
      - New carbon reduction guarantee system (green life guarantee)