사단법인 국제해상풍력협회

Hang wings in the wind

Industry status

Government-led site discovery and simplified licensing

  • Planned site detection

    1. Establishment of site information map

       - Integrated analysis of wind conditions information, regulatory information (17 types),
       fishing boat activity information (coast police), catch information (fisheries cooperatives), etc.
       to establish the first stage location information within the year

    2. Consideraton Zone Announcement

       - Announcement of ‘Offshore Wind Power Consideration Zone’ in sea area with good business
       potential and low fishing trend based on location map -> Expand step by step

    3. Basic feasibility investigation support

       - Conduct a basic feasibility investigation on economic feasibility and environmental performance
       by installing wind condition measuring instruments and environmental monitoring facilities
       in the consideration zone

  • Introduction of the cluster flower complex system

    1. Promoting large-scale systematic development of ‘offshore wind power Consideration
      Zone led by local governments


    2. Strengthen the collection of opinions from local residents through the formation of
      a public-private council from the planning stage

       - Practical stakeholders, such as fisheries cooperatives by district, participate in the public-private
       council to decide whether to promote the integrated complex.

  • Improve of the certification and licensing process

    1. 1.Improvement of policy coherence for offshore wind power and offshore-fishery industry

       - Improvement of the system so that the designation of energy development zones in the maritime
       spatial plan supports the smooth promotion of offshore wind power

    2. Promotion of rationalization of the licensing system

       - Promotion of unification of environmental impact assessment and sea area utilization consultation,
       which is being implemented with redundancy for offshore power facility of 100MW or more